I’m Pregnant But I Don’t Want to Be

If you think you could be pregnant but you don’t want to be, what do you do? This is never an easy question to answer. When you find yourself in this situation, you need to talk closely with your partner and loved ones, and also consider the outcomes of each choice...

Attending College Pregnant: You Can Do It!

Pregnancy will bring challenges, no doubt. And as a college student, those challenges can feel doubly difficult. College is a stressful time – course loads, a job, friends and more all demand your time and attention. Being pregnant can up-level this already...

Can I Get a Same-Day Abortion?

While it may be possible to start a medical abortion today, should you? Making a major decision in haste and under pressure can lead to significant emotional and psychological damage later on. Any major life event change can be stressful and stress effects how you...

Brittani’s Story

Brittani tells the story of her pregnancy decision and her experience at CompassCare.   Video Transcript: In my mind, when I found I was pregnant I thought I was gonna get an abortion. I was like, ‘I can’t do this, I’m not gonna be able to do...
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