
We inform, you decide.

Research shows that most women want to be informed of risks and treatment alternatives, prior to making their decision.1

Costs  Procedures  Development  Health Risks

Abortion Options Based on Weeks After LMP

Within 10 Weeks of LMP*

Menstrual Period Chemical Abortion: Mifeprex & Misoprostol Cost: $200-$800

*Last Menstrual Period

The FDA approved regimen2 for a chemical abortion is a two-visit process using two different drugs:

  • Mifeprex is given orally during the first office visit. (200 mg) Mifeprex blocks progesterone from sustaining the pregnancy thereby ending the life of the baby.
  • Misoprostol is given inside the cheek (800 mcg) 24-48 hours later. This drug will cause contractions to expel the baby’s remains. This does not take place at the medical office and may occur within a few hours or up to two weeks after taking the misoprostol.
  • A physical exam should be given 7-14 days later to ensure the abortion is complete and that there are no immediate complications.

Risks & Side Effects:

  • Unsuccessful up to 10% of the time.3
  • Cramping, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, heavy bleeding, infection and in rare cases, death.
  • Not advised for women who have anemia, bleeding disorders, liver or kidney disease, seizure disorder, acute inflammatory bowel disease, use an IUD, or are unable to return for a follow-up visit.

Fetal Development (Weeks 4-8):

  • Nerves, brain and spinal cord begin to develop
  • Heart begins to beat
  • Eyes, arms, legs, lungs and stomach begin to form
  • Genitals form
  • All organs are present by week 8

Abortion Pill Reversal?

There is a 64%-68% chance of continuing a healthy pregnancy if therapy is started within 72 hours of taking Mifeprex.4 Call 877-558-0333 or visit abortionpillreversal.com

6-16 Weeks of LMP*

Surgical Abortion: Suction/Vacuum Aspiration Cost: $600-$1600

*Last Menstrual Period

  • Patient will lie on her back with feet in stirrups and a speculum is inserted to open the vagina.
  • A local anesthetic is administered to her cervix. Then, a tenaculum is used to hold the cervix in place so that it can be dilated by cone-shaped rods.
  • When the cervix is wide enough, a cannula is inserted into the uterus to suction out the baby and placenta.
  • The procedure usually takes 10-15 minutes with a recovery period of up to 5 hours.
  • Based upon the size of the baby, a D&C may also be required, particularly in the second trimester: the provider will use a long loop-shaped knife called a curette to scrape the lining, placenta and baby away from the uterus.

Risks & Side Effects

  • Abdominal pain, nausea, sweating, and feeling faint.
  • Less frequent side effects include possible heavy or prolonged bleeding, blood clots, damage to the cervix and perforation of the uterus.
  • Infection due to retained remains of the baby and related tissues, an STD, or bacteria being introduced to the uterus can cause fever, pain, abdominal tenderness, scarring, infertility and in rare cases, death.

Fetal Development (Weeks 9-16)

  • Organs begin functioning
  • Skin and fingerprints begin to form
  • Baby moves, kicks and begins sucking thumb

In the medical community, choice is referred to as patient autonomy which means you have the right to say “NO” to any medical procedure. If you feel abortion is your only option, you have no freedom of choice.

17-24 Weeks After LMP*

Late-Term Surgical Abortion: Dilation & Evacuation Cost: $1500-$2500

*Last Menstrual Period

  • In most cases, 24 hours prior to the actual procedure, the abortion provider will insert laminaria or a synthetic dilator inside the cervix.
  • At the time of the procedure, cone-shaped rods of increasing size are used to continue the dilation process.
  • Depending upon gestational age, some providers may deliver a shot with a long needle through the patient’s abdomen to cause the baby to die before the procedure begins.
  • A cannula is inserted to begin removing the baby from the lining, and the lining is scraped with a curette to remove any residual fetal parts.
  • For larger babies, forceps may be used to remove larger parts and some providers prefer to crush the skull for easier extraction.
  • The procedure normally takes about 30 minutes, with extended recovery time.
Late-term abortion procedures become increasingly complex and carry more significant risks as the size of the baby increases.

Risks & Side Effects

  • Abdominal pain, bleeding, and nausea may occur for two weeks following the procedure.
  • Infection due to retained remains of the baby and related tissues, an STD, or bacteria can cause fever, pain, abdominal tenderness, scarring and in some cases, death.
  • Although rare, additional risks related to D&E are damage to the uterine lining or cervix, perforation of the uterus, infertility, infection and blood clots.

Fetal Development (Weeks 17-24)

  • The five senses develop
  • Facial features become distinct
  • Mother feels movement more strongly
  • It is possible that the fetus can feel pain5

Protect Your Health

Future Pregnancy Complications

Abortion is associated with an increased risk of low birth weight and preterm birth.6
The risk increases with each additional abortion. There is also an increase in infertility rates among women who have had previous abortions.7

Breast Cancer

Studies show that abortion may increase a woman’s risk of breast cancer. A recent analysis revealed a 44% increased risk of breast cancer among females who had at least one induced abortion. The risk increased significantly for those who had two or more abortions.8

STDs & Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

There is a high prevalence rate of Chlamydia and Gonorrhea among women presenting for abortion. Women with an untreated chlamydial infection at the time of abortion have a 72% risk of developing PID.9

Mental Health

Women who had an abortion experienced an 81% increased risk of mental health problems, and nearly 10% of the incidence of mental health problems was shown to be attributable to abortion.10


  1. Coleman, P.K., Reardon, D.C., Lee, M.B. (2006) Women’s
    preferences for information and complication seriousness
    ratings related to elective medical procedures. J Med Ethics;
    32(8): 435-438.
  2. U.S. Food & Drug Administration (2021) Mifeprex
    (Mifepristone) Information. Retrieved June 2021 from
  3. Haimov-Kochman, R., Arbel, R., Sciaky-Tamir, Y., Brzezinski,
    A., Laufer, N., & Yagel, S., (2007). Risk factors for unsuccessful
    medical abortion with mifepristone and misoprostol. Acta
    Obstet Gynecol Scand; (86): 462-466.
  4. Delgado, G., et al., (2018) A case series detailing the successful
    reversal of the effects of mifepristone using progesterone.
    Issues in Law & Medicine; 33(1): 21-31.
  5. Bellieni, Carlo V., (2019). New insights into fetal pain. Semin
    Fetal Neonatal Med; 24,(4): 101001
  6. Saccone, G., et al., (2016) Prior uterine evacuation of
    prsdegnancy as independent risk factor for preterm birth: a
    systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Obstetr Gynecol;
    214(5): 572-591.
  7. Moridi, A., et al., (2019) Etiology and Risk Factors Associated
    with Infertility, IJWHRS; 7(3): 346–353.
  8. Huang, Y., et al., (2014). A meta-analysis of the association
    between induced abortion and breast cancer risk among
    Chinese females. Cancer Causes Control; 25(2): 227-36.
  9. Sørensen JL, et al., (1994). Early- and late-onset pelvic
    inflammatory disease among women with cervical
    Chlamydia trachomatis infection at the time of induced
    abortion–a follow-up study. Infection; 22(4):242-6.
  10. Coleman, P.K., (2011). Abortion and mental health:
    quantitative synthesis and analysis of research. Br J Psychiat;
    199(3): 180–186.
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