Planned Parenthood or CompassCare?
We inform, you decide.
Why Choose CompassCare Instead of Planned Parenthood?
CompassCare Provides Free Pre-Termination Evaluations
Every woman facing unplanned pregnancy needs a medical intervention to answer three questions before a final pregnancy outcome can be determined:
- Am I really pregnant? 1 in 5 pregnancies end on their own, most often before 7 weeks.1
- How far along am I? Gestational age determines the cost & type of abortion you could be eligible for.
- Do I have an STD? Having an abortion with an untreated STD could lead to serious risk for your reproductive health and any future pregnancies.2
CompassCare can confirm whether or not you are truly pregnant, how far along you are, and if your pregnancy is viable with a free ultrasound. Free STD testing and treatment is also provided to protect your future reproductive health.
CompassCare Is Committed to Care for You as A Whole Person
CompassCare adheres to the principles of traditional medical ethics, which are found in the relationship between patient and doctor. True ethical medicine ensures that you and your health are the primary focus of that relationship. Our ethical standards are outlined here. We are committed to the Code of Conduct developed by the Commission for Reproductive Health Service Standards. These accepted medical principals are why the nurses at CompassCare are dedicated to your total care, both mind and body. Entrust yourself to professionals who care.
CompassCare Is Objective and Non-Judgemental
CompassCare is a non-profit organization and is not dependent on funds generated by patient medical insurance to keep its doors open. Because of this, we can provide truly unbiased information and one-on-one, personal, compassionate care and support. CompassCare exists to help you make an informed decision based on facts about pregnancy, parenting, abortion and adoption. Pregnancy decisions are too important to leave your experience to a rushed, clinical conversation and a waiting room where you feel like a number.
CompassCare Believes in Empowering You, Not Pressuring You
84% of American women who had abortions said that they did not receive adequate counseling beforehand. 64% felt pressured by others.3
At CompassCare, our purpose is your health. We empower you to make the choice that’s right for you through true, informed consent.
True freedom of choice only occurs when a patient is provided with all of the information in a non-biased manner. And it shows in the results.
Compare what women decide after visiting CompassCare and receiving compassionate, non-incentivized services vs. Planned Parenthood. Where Planned Parenthood’s outcomes favor one option, CompassCare’s outcomes reflect more balanced decisions:
Planned Parenthood4
- Abortion: 94%
- Parenting: 6%
- Adoption: <1%
- Abortion: 41%
- Parenting: 59%
- Adoption: <1%

Medically Reviewed By:
1 Mayo Clinic. Miscarriage.,even%20know%20about%20a%20pregnancy.
2 WESTERGAARD, LARS MD; PHILIPSEN, TORBEN MD; SCHEIBEL, JENS MD. Significance of Cervical Chlamydia trachomatis Infection in Postabortal Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. Obstetrics & Gynecology 60(3):p 322-325, September 1982.
3 Rue, Vincent & Coleman, Priscilla & Rue, James & Reardon, David. (2004). Induced abortion and traumatic stress: A preliminary comparison of American and Russian women. Medical science monitor : international medical journal of experimental and clinical research. 10. SR5-16.
4 Planned Parenthood. PP Here for a Reason: 2020-2021 Annual Report.