We inform, you decide.
There are a variety of abortion options available in Buffalo and Rochester. Before you decide if, when, and where to have an abortion, your first step is a medical consultation and diagnosis. CompassCare offers free pre-termination evaluations to help you navigate your pregnancy decisions.
Before Considering Abortion
If you’re pregnant and considering abortion, your first step is to schedule a free pre-termination evaluation to answer these three essential questions:
1: Will my pregnancy end naturally?
A positive pregnancy test does not mean that your pregnancy will continue. Up to one in four pregnancies end naturally on their own, most often before 7 weeks.1 Be aware that some abortion clinics in Buffalo and Rochester have been known to provide abortions without confirming viable pregnancy. Do not risk your health (or spend your money) to abort a pregnancy that may already be ending naturally.
2: How far along am I?
Gestational age determines the type and cost of abortion procedures that you could be eligible for. Gestational age can be estimated from the first day of your last menstrual period, but only an ultrasound exam can accurately determine how far along your pregnancy is. In one study, first trimester ultrasound corrected gestational age estimates for over 41% of women.2
3: Do I have an STD?
Having any type of abortion with an untreated STD jeopardizes a woman’s health by increasing her risk of infection and other complications.3 Since over 70% of women who have Chlamydia do not have any symptoms,4 it is critical to get tested before pursuing an abortion.
CompassCare’s free pre-termination evaluation will give you the answers you need to make the decision that’s best for you. If you think you may be pregnant, call, text or schedule online today.

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1 National Institutes of Health (2019). Miscarriage. Retrieved from http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001488.htm; Wilcox AJ, Weinberg CR, O’Connor JF, Baird DD, Schlatterer JP, Canfield RD (1988). Incidence of early loss of pregnancy. N Engl J Med; 319:89-94.
2 Bennett KA, Crane JM, O’Shea P, Lacelle J, Hutchens D, Copel JA. First trimester ultrasound screening is effective in reducing postterm labor induction rates: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2004;190:1077–81
3 Ovigstad E, et al. (1983). Pelvic inflammatory disease associated with Chlamydia trachomatis infection after therapeutic abortion. Br J Vener Dis, 59: 189-92; Heisterberg L, et al. (1987). The role of vaginal secretory immunoglobulin a, gardnerella vaginalis, anaerobes, and Chlamydia trachomatis in post abortal pelvic inflammatory disease. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 66(2): 99-102.
4 Farley TA, Cohen DA, Elkins W. Asymptomatic sexually transmitted diseases: the case for screening. Preventive medicine 2003;36:502-9; Korenromp EL, Sudaryo MK, de Vlas SJ, et al. What proportion of episodes of gonorrhoea and chlamydia becomes symptomatic? International journal of STD & AIDS 2002;13:91-101. See: Chlamydia – CDC Fact Sheet (Detailed)