About Mifepristone (RU-486) Risks

Approved for use in the US in September of 2000, mifepristone is a medication used in combination with misoprostol to facilitate 1st trimester abortion (medical abortion). While misoprostol causes the uterus to contract, mifepristone is responsible for blocking the...

Do Abortions Hurt?

Although the threshold for pain differs for each individual, the majority of women who have an abortion report pain associated with the experience, even with anesthetic.1 Below are actual comments from women who have experienced medical (the “abortion...

Can I Buy the Abortion Pill Online?

WARNING: Do not risk your life by taking an abortion pill purchased online. The idea of going to a clinic and waiting anxiously in an examination room for the pills you need to end your pregnancy seems less than ideal. If there was some way you could get started on...

Can I Get a Same-Day Abortion?

While it may be possible to start a medical abortion today, should you? Making a major decision in haste and under pressure can lead to significant emotional and psychological damage later on. Any major life event change can be stressful and stress effects how you...

Abortion: Before You Decide

Before any type of medical procedure, a good doctor will use the following steps: Assessment Diagnosis Discuss Treatment Options Treatment Follow-up We believe that the best decision is an informed decision, one make after you have all the information available to you...
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