We inform, you decide.

Women Looking for Abortion Info Visit CompassCare First
You're in the right place! More than 1400 women (and 500 men) visit this website per month for more information regarding their unplanned pregnancy, STDs and to schedule free healthcare services. CompassCare is one of the leading websites for information about...

Can I Get a Same-Day Abortion?
While it may be possible to start a medical abortion today, should you? Making a major decision in haste and under pressure can lead to significant emotional and psychological damage later on. Any major life event change can be stressful and stress effects how you...

The Big 3 STDs at an All-Time High
On October 19, 2016, the Centers for Disease Control released their annual Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance Report."2015 Sexually Transmitted Diseases Surveillance." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, October 2016,...

Is Marijuana Safe for Pregnant Women?
A recent survey of pregnant and non-pregnant women revealed that 70% of women believe there is little or no risk associated with using marijuana once or twice a week. In addition, upon review of data collected from 2007-2012, the American Journal of Obstetrics &...

Infants Proven Viable at 22 Weeks Gestation: Could New York State Be Wrong?
Currently, 42 states prohibit abortions after a specified point in pregnancy. That point is usually determined by "fetal viability," or...

Abortion: Before You Decide
Before any type of medical procedure, a good doctor will use the following steps: Assessment Diagnosis Discuss Treatment Options Treatment Follow-up We believe that the best decision is an informed decision, one make after you have all the information available to you...

Brittani’s Story
Brittani tells the story of her pregnancy decision and her experience at CompassCare. Video Transcript: In my mind, when I found I was pregnant I thought I was gonna get an abortion. I was like, 'I can't do this, I'm not gonna be able to do this.' My boyfriend said...

Pregnant: Either My Life or the Baby’s Life?
I didn’t know how I could possibly have this baby. Between school and work, and just trying to have a life…I couldn’t imagine trying to do all that and take care of a baby at the same time. I mean, I wanted to have kids someday, but this was not in the...

Pro-Choice: It’s About Your Freedom
For most people, pro-choice means a woman’s right to choose what she wants to do with her own body. Webster’s defines it simply as “favoring the legalization of abortionMerriam-Webster (2012). Retrieved from:...

Can We Be For Abortion AND a Cure for Breast Cancer?
We love our bodies. We support causes that rally behind women’s health and our passion to live a happy physical life. But could two of those causes be in direct opposition with each other? Statistics show that carrying a baby to term significantly...